Milford Haven Business Directory Page 7

Milford Haven Business directory Page 7

> United Kingdom > Wales > Haverfordwest > Pembrokeshire > Milford Haven

Business entries of Milford Haven are listed here with informations of address, hours and reviews. You can enlist your own company entry or association here.

Milford Haven entries

There were 191 entries found


13-15 Priory Road
Milford Haven
SA73 2DS

 01646 692 874
 01646 692 874

130 Robert Street
Milford Haven
SA73 2DL

 01646 693 338

100 High Street
Milford Haven
SA73 1TF

 01646 602 952

25 Kensington Road
Milford Haven
SA73 1TP

 01646 602 715


2 Havens Head Business Park
Milford Haven
SA73 3LD

 07890 636 201
 01646 692 550

9 Harbour Close
Milford Haven
SA73 1UG

 01646 600 172

Sovereign House, 3 Nelson Quay
Milford Haven
SA73 3AJ

 0845 850 4040

Victoria Depository, Waterston Industrial Estate, Main Road
Milford Haven
SA73 1DP

 01646 690 449

11 Priory Street
Milford Haven
SA73 2AD

 01646 693 999

Unit 2, Thornton Industrial Trading Estate
Milford Haven
SA73 2RX

 01646 699 191
 01646 699 192

30 Hamilton Terrace
Milford Haven
SA73 3JJ

 01646 683 222

42 Wellington Road
Milford Haven
SA73 3BT

 01646 694 328
 01646 694 328

Unit 73, Honeyborough Industrial Estate
Milford Haven
SA73 1SE

 01646 600 750
 01646 602 299

34 Conway Drive
Milford Haven
SA73 1JA

 07971 817 525

Honeyborough House, Honeyborough Road
Milford Haven
SA73 1RE

 01646 600 444
 01646 601 684

Scoveston Park Farm
Milford Haven
SA73 1HJ

 01646 692 843

47 Waterloo Road
Milford Haven
SA73 3PD

 01646 698 631

Unit 40, Honeyborough Industrial Estate
Milford Haven
SA73 1SE

 01646 601 014
 01646 601 014

Unit 67, Honeyborough Industrial Estate
Milford Haven
SA73 1SE

 01646 600 686

21 Barnlake Point
Milford Haven
SA73 1PF

 01646 601 756

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Cities & surrounding

Milford Haven branches and surrounding

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Economic activity December 2024

The pie chart of shows the economic activities of Milford Haven in this month. This month 19 companies were registered, 3 were updated and 11 businesses were canceled.

Diagram Milford Haven December 2024Diagram Milford HavenDiagram Milford Haven December 2024New registrationDeleteUpdateNew registrationUpdateDelete Diagram

Economic development statistics 2024

The statistics show the economic development of Milford Haven with the following facts and figures. You can download the graphic of the statistics chart.

Statistics Milford Haven 2024Statistics Milford HavenStatistics Milford Haven 2024020406080100November 2024October 2024September 2024August 2024July 2024Number of business activitiesNew registrationUpdateDelete Statistics

Geographic information

Place name:Milford Haven