North Devon District Business directory Page 23
> United Kingdom > England > Devon > Exeter > North Devon District
North Devon District entries of companies, associations and organizations are gathered here with address, opening hours and ratings of customers. You can add your own business entry or organization on this page.
North Devon District entries
There were 10107 entries found
4 Queens House, Queen Street
EX32 8HJ
01271 328 579 | |
01782 615 142 |
Liberty Court, Liberty Road, Roundswell Business Park
EX31 3TL
01271 341 999 | |
01271 328 711 |
Cities & surrounding
North Devon District branches and surrounding
- Business Directory
- East Anstey
- Heanton Punchardon
- Rackenford
- Pilton West
- Chittlehamholt
- Rose Ash
- Swimbridge
- Trentishoe
- West Anstey
- Witheridge
- South Molton
- Stoke Rivers
- Bishop's Tawton
- Goodleigh
- King's Nympton
- Knowstone
- North Molton
- Parracombe
- Romansleigh
- Arlington
- Landkey
- Lynton and Lynmouth
- Loxhore
- Meshaw
- Martinhoe
- Barnstaple
- Marwood (North Devon District)
- Berrynarbor
- Molland
- Bishop's Nympton
- Bittadon
- Bratton Fleming
- Chulmleigh
- Braunton
- Combe Martin
- Brayford
- Countisbury
- Challacombe
- East and West Buckland
- Chittlehampton
- Fremington
- Georgeham
- Ilfracombe
- Instow
- Mortehoe
- Queen's Nympton
- Satterleigh and Warkleigh
- Shirwell
- Tawstock
- Twitchen
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Economic activity December 2024
The pie chart of shows the economic activities of North Devon District in this month. This month 1 companies were registered, 1 were updated and 1 businesses were canceled.
Economic development statistics 2024
The statistics show the economic development of North Devon District with the following facts and figures. You can download the graphic of the statistics chart.
Geographic information
Place name: | North Devon District |
Latitude: | 51.0611000 |
Longitude: | -3.9272800 |