South Molton Business Directory Page 10

South Molton Business directory Page 10

> United Kingdom > England > Devon > Exeter > North Devon District > South Molton

Business entries of South Molton are listed here with informations of contact-data, opening hours and experience reports of users. You can register your own company entry or organization here.

South Molton entries

There were 661 entries found


Bishops Nympton
South Molton
EX36 3QU

 01769 550 900
 01769 550 800

2 North Street
South Molton
EX36 3AN

 01769 574 263
 01769 574 263

Widgery Drive
South Molton
EX36 4DP

 01769 579 146
 01769 579 148

Bishops Nympton
South Molton
EX36 3QR

 01769 550 807


Bottreaux Mill
South Molton
EX36 3PU

 01398 341 568

Park View
South Molton
EX36 4NY

 01769 550 157
 01769 550 157

Rock Farm
South Molton
EX36 4QD

 01769 550 592

Rose Cottage
South Molton
EX36 4QD

 01769 550 750
 01769 550 750

West Anstey
South Molton
EX36 3PF

 01398 341 374

Lime Court, Pathfields Business Park
South Molton
EX36 3LH

8 South Street
South Molton
EX36 4AA

 01769 572 331

Lime Court, Pathfields Business Park
South Molton
EX36 3LH

 0191 389 1331

56 Hugh Squier Avenue
South Molton
EX36 3DP

 01769 574 086

Pathfields Business Park
South Molton
EX36 3LH

 01769 572 785
 01769 575 979

135 East Street
South Molton
EX36 3BU

 01769 573 058
 01769 573 058

Luckett Wood
South Molton
EX36 4RS

 01398 341 981

75 South St, South Holton
South Molton
EX36 4AG

 01769 572 171

Crown Hill, New Road
South Molton
EX36 4BB

Pulworthy Farm
South Molton
EX36 3NQ

 01769 550 392

East Rowley Cottage
South Molton
EX36 4JS

 01769 550 687
 01590 670 429

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Cities & surrounding

South Molton branches and surrounding

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Economic activity December 2024

The pie chart of shows the economic activities of South Molton in this month. This month 2 companies were registered, 5 were updated and 3 businesses were canceled.

Diagram South Molton December 2024Diagram South MoltonDiagram South Molton December 2024UpdateDeleteNew registrationNew registrationUpdateDelete Diagram

Economic development statistics 2024

The statistics show the economic development of South Molton with the following facts and figures. You can download the graphic of the statistics chart.

Statistics South Molton 2024Statistics South MoltonStatistics South Molton 2024020406080100November 2024October 2024September 2024August 2024July 2024Number of business activitiesNew registrationUpdateDelete Statistics

Geographic information

Place name:South Molton