Taunton Deane District Business directory Page 2
> United Kingdom > England > Somerset > Taunton > Taunton Deane District
Business entries of Taunton Deane District are listed here with informations of contact-data, opening hours and experience reports of users. You can add your own company entry or organization on this page.
Taunton Deane District entries
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You can enlist a business or association in the business branch Taunton Deane District.
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Economic development statistics 2024
The statistics show the economic development of Taunton Deane District with the following facts and figures. You can download the graphic of the statistics chart.
Statistics Taunton-Deane-District
Cities & surrounding
Taunton Deane District branches and surrounding
- Business Directory
- Ashbrittle
- Bathealton
- Bishop's Hull
- Wiveliscombe
- Cothelstone
- Milverton
- Orchard Portman
- Staplegrove
- Trull
- Halse
- West Hatch
- Ash Priors
- Curland
- Durston
- Fitzhead
- Lydeard St. Lawrence
- North Curry
- Oake
- Pitminster
- Stawley
- Stoke St. Gregory
- Stoke St. Mary
- Wellington (Taunton Deane District)
- West Buckland
- Bickenhall
- Comeytrowe
- Kingston St. Mary
- Norton Fitzwarren
- Staple Fitzpaine
- Bishop's Lydeard
- Tolland
- Bradford-on-Tone
- West Bagborough
- Burrowbridge
- Cheddon Fitzpaine
- Chipstable
- Churchstanton
- Combe Florey
- West Monkton
- Corfe
- Creech St. Michael
- Hatch Beauchamp
- Nynehead
- Otterford
- Ruishton
- Sampford Arundel
- Thornfalcon
- Wellington Without
- Langford Budville
Economic activity December 2024
The pie chart of shows the economic activities of Taunton Deane District in this month. This month 12 companies were registered, 84 were updated and 50 businesses were canceled.
Geographic information
Place name: | Taunton Deane District |
Latitude: | 51.0042100 |
Longitude: | -3.1485600 |