Uttlesford District Business Directory Page 63

Uttlesford District Business directory Page 63

> United Kingdom > England > Essex > Chelmsford > Uttlesford District

Uttlesford District entries of companies, authorities and associations are gathered here containing address, opening hours and ratings of users. You can enlist your own company entry or association on this page.

Uttlesford District entries

There were 1716 entries found


Shire Hill
Saffron Walden
CB11 3AQ

 01799 524 993
 01799 525 009

4 Emson Close
Saffron Walden
CB10 1HL

 01799 520 090
 01799 525 151

Unit 2-3 Saffron Business Centre, Elizabeth Close
Saffron Walden
CB10 2NL

 01799 520 066
 01799 528 308

12 De Vigier Avenue
Saffron Walden
CB10 2BN


High Street
Saffron Walden
CB10 1AD

16 High Street
Saffron Walden
CB10 1QY

 01582 883 297

New Granary, Station Road
Saffron Walden
CB11 3PL

 01799 544 014
 01799 544 015

London Road, Great Chesterford
Saffron Walden
CB10 1NY

 01799 530 515
 01799 530 683

33 Old Mill Road
Saffron Walden
CB11 3EH

 01799 501 023

Radwinter Road
Saffron Walden
CB11 3HY

 01799 526 122
 01799 500 872

7 George Street
Saffron Walden
CB10 1EW

9 Copperfields
Saffron Walden
CB11 4FG

123 Little Walden Road
Saffron Walden
CB10 2DN

 01799 522 593

22 King Street
Saffron Walden
CB10 1ES

 01799 528 994

9 Great Chesterford Court
Saffron Walden
CB10 1PF

The Old Kiora, London Road
Saffron Walden
CB11 3SY

 01799 541 331

4 King Street
Saffron Walden
CB10 1ES

 01799 513 390

1 Hollyhock Road
Saffron Walden
CB10 2AG

 01799 524 009
 01799 524 009

Langley Lawn Farm
Saffron Walden
CB11 4SB

 01279 777 294
 01279 777 856

Cuckoo House, High Street
Saffron Walden
CB10 2PE

 01799 599 577

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Cities & surrounding

Uttlesford District branches and surrounding

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Economic activity December 2024

The pie chart of shows the economic activities of Uttlesford District in this month. This month 16 companies were registered, 4 were updated and 2 businesses were canceled.

Diagram Uttlesford District December 2024Diagram Uttlesford DistrictDiagram Uttlesford District December 2024New registrationUpdateDeleteNew registrationUpdateDelete Diagram

Economic development statistics 2024

The statistics show the economic development of Uttlesford District with the following facts and figures. You can download the graphic of the statistics chart.

Statistics Uttlesford District 2024Statistics Uttlesford DistrictStatistics Uttlesford District 2024020406080100November 2024October 2024September 2024August 2024July 2024Number of business activitiesNew registrationUpdateDelete Statistics

Geographic information

Place name:Uttlesford District